Heh... I sorta hate teachers day celebration.
Why? Was like free food to someone who torture us everyday?
And i admit that i threat them like part of my best friends yesterday.And i dont know why?Maybe i had "Positive mind" ROFL! TT
Owh well to be honest i was thinking of not going to school yesterday.But it's the last year for me to celebrate it D=
Guess what? I didnt regret at ALL! Muahahah!!
What'd i do during teacher day? Surfing the school :)! walk here walk there till i nearly break my legs "sweat" LOL! 'Crap'
Ho! Early morning there's a teacher group photo. And Wong Jin Gui "Our school headmaster" Sat infront like dummy "Mu Tou Ren" Hahaha! Kinda funnny! LMAO
Hmmm.. i realize that i having fun yesterday =]
What's the funniest part? During morning assembly. While i'm in class *catch snake* As you known that the party havent start.
Me with a few friends looted away few sausages & a bottle of soft drinks. LOL! Sue me ;P
By the way thanks Annsovina by bringing her Beef Spaghetti to school, IT'S DELICIOUS! =D She told me that she cooked with her mum until the next morning around 1A.M.Owh my... I'm TOUCHED!
O.M.G did i just said "I'm touched"? 'Cough cough' 'sneef sneef'
Owh well ignore me =D
One day dude! One day, i'll cook this dishes for someone *Woot woot* for me.
"prepare note book" monday go ask for recipe LOL!! :D
Yesterday is my first day tried to be strong and think positive..
So,i did it!I hope the following days still the same.SOO hard to been through a day..
Anyway,I always remember this ''Learn to love yourself before you love someone else''.
Secret.. =S
God bless and save our world!
Night ^^
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