Guys... I mean "Dude" i am sorry i cant attend on your Birthday Party.Early in the morning when i woke up.I'd received 3 messages from my friends for asking I'm coming or not.Well.. i was touched at that moment. I wish to go but... My mum having cancel.And she's going to hospital for medical check up & she having operation at 1pm.I just cant let it go.I had to do all the house work. All i wanted to say was hoping you guys having fun their. I hate myself sometimes. We always celebrate birthday party together and i was not their. Bad luck just came to me when i got special days.I got myself a bad reputation. And yet when I've done all my house work. I received an message from Davids mum. She asked how is my mum and she cried when she heard David broke up with her girlfriends. I talk and try to act normal but deep inside i am dying. Just don't give her my worries.. She having enough pressure already. I'd tried to calm her down. And OMG!! This Saturday my friend having dance performances! I was a jerk, Seriously! And i told her i would be their for her.. JUST.... hmph!! Sorry again & again.
Bless my friends & Family! ALWAYS
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